Navigating the Intelligent Age
AI and automation continue to reshape industries. As Jim Hagemann Snabe, Chairman of Siemens, put it, “We’re at a point in time where the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds are blurring.”
Investing in People
Building Resilience: The key to building resilience lies in investing in education and skills development. Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Professor at Harvard Business School, said it best: “The most successful companies are those that recognise the importance of empowering their people.”
Safeguarding the Planet
Sustainability remains a pressing issue. Christiana Figueres, former UN climate chief, emphasised, “The next decade is our last opportunity to secure a sustainable, climate-stable world for future generations.”
Rebuilding Trust in a Fragmented World
As the world becomes more fragmented, rebuilding trust is more important than ever. Dambisa Moyo, global economist, reminded us, “Trust is the foundation of all business relationships. Without it, progress becomes nearly impossible.”
The Future of Work
Lifelong learning and upskilling are critical for staying competitive. Martha Lane Fox, Co-Founder of, highlighted, “The business leaders who invest in their people’s development will emerge stronger.”
Space Exploration and Technological Innovation
The race for technological innovation, including space exploration, is heating up. The lovely Dr. Pippa Malmgren, a leading voice on geopolitics and innovation, remarked, “The next frontier of competition will not only be on Earth but in space.”
Geopolitical Dynamics and Global Trade
As geopolitical and economic power rapidly shifts, my friend and AlphaGeo CEO Dr. Parag Khanna said, “Despite rising fragmentation into regional blocks, competitive connectivity is the paradigm to understand whether the US, China, EU or other powers is winning or losing the struggle for global influence.”